Projek Konstruksi


Suprema biometric time and attendance solution is tailored to fulfill the dynamic demands of the construction industry. Powered by the world’s best facial recognition technology and loads of industry-specific features, Suprema is a renowned expert in time and attendance for the construction industry and construction site management. Whether you are specialized in groundworks, fit-outs or civil engineering, Suprema’s expert solution can accurately track time and attendance across your construction sites using facial recognition. Customized event logs and reports are available in real-time with Suprema BioStar 2 management software and integration is made easy with comprehensive SDK & open API support regardless of the types of your platform.


  • Handling a large number of employees
  • Scalability over multiple access points
  • Eliminating the high cost of ID card issuance/replacement
  • Robust to contaminated fingerprints
  • Intuitive GUI and multi-lingual support for various ethnic groups
  • Fast processing to manage the flow of people at gateways
  • Prevent possible time theft & buddy punching
  • Operates under dynamic lighting conditions
  • Integration with HR/Payroll systems



Fire roll-call software

Adanya access control dan teknologi software ini sangatlah berguna di rumah sakit ketika adanya kebakaran di mana software akan membuat laporan berisikan informasi penting seperti siapa yang masih di dalam gedung. Software ini beroperasi karena adanya kartu access control atau otentikasi lain yang digunakan oleh pekerja untuk keluar masuk gedung tersebut. Ketika darurat berlangsung, software fire roll-call juga akan memberitahu mereka adanya keadaan darurat tersebut sekaligus mengaktivasi laporan di tempat jauh yang sudah ditentukan.

Sistem keamanan terintegrasi

Gedung rumah sakit yang beroperasi lebih dari satu lantai ataupun tersebar di beberapa gedung juga diuntungkan dengan adanya akses kontrol yang terintegrasi dengan CCTV, alarm anti maling, sensor api dan sensor lainnya. Salah satu cara untuk mencapai ini dengan menggunakan teknologi Internet Protocol (IP) yang memungkinkan sistem ini untuk berkomunikasi satu sama lainnya untuk memaksimalkan efektivitasnya.

Pemantauan pengunjung

Visitor Management System (VMS) diperlukan di lingkungan yang dipenuhi oleh pasien dan tamu. Sistem ini dapat mencetak foto ID dan mengijinkan mereka masuk ke area tertentu di rumah sakit. Menggunakan solusi VMS ini sangatlah mudah dan merupakan solusi yang tidak mahal yang bisa memberikan banyak keuntungan lainnya.


Faster flow of people by facial recognition

World’s fastest matching speed up to 3,000 match/sec Facial recognition provides virtually same matching speed as RF card with less action 30% faster processing time than fingerprints

Future-proof, cost reduction and scalability

Distributed topology to maximize scalability over expansion and system design Facial recognition to eliminate the expensive cost of card issuance, replacement, and maintenance Provides RF card reading for the most standards for regular employees

Less effort, less intrusive

Not carrying a card, no hand action required on entry Less effort required on entry. Natural posture without any contact More hygiene than conventional fingerprint method hands-free entrance when carrying goods or personal items

Enhanced level of security to prevent fraud

Near-infrared based fake face detection optics to prevent spoofing with imitated face images (photo, LCD) Stores up to 50,000 face image logs for audit trail

Reliable 24/7 operation

Provides uncompromised operation under complete darkness(o lux) to full daylight (25,000 lux) conditions commonly found on site entrances Real-time site monitoring and reporting using BioStar 2 management software and smartphone app

Ease of operation and implementation

Easy and efficient face image enrollment Intuitive Android-based GUI requires minimal training for users and operators Full SDK and API support to enhance seamless integration to your existing HR and payroll systems

Security Solutions And True Remote Monitoring 24/7 For Your Business.

For the Security and IT directors ensuring our places of work and leisure are safe.We always understand that in a complex world, it is not enough to solve the challenges of today, we need to be ready for the opportunities of tomorrow.

Helping families live intelligently means we’re always working to bring our customers the latest technology.
Security Systems Access Control Monitoring Fire Alarms CCTV Video Global Services

Smart Systems For A Safer Future!

Not only will this reduce the probability of crime happening on your property, it will reduce or eliminate any liability that falls on you if you can show you have solid, well-designed commercial building security systems in place.
Alarm Monitoring 24/7
Security Monitoring Equipment
Fire Monitor And Detection
Fire Monitor And Detection
Live Stream From Any Mobile
Alerts, Schedules & Automations
Lifetime Rate Lock Guarantee
Lifetime Equipment Warranty
Easy And Fair Cancellation
For the Chief Technology Officers shaping the smart businesses of tomorrow. We delivers powerful and insightful security solutions that enable protectors to drive forward. As the leader in home security, we can help you customize a home security system to meet your safety needs.